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Morning Man Greens Decaf gives you all the wonderful nutritional benefits of Morning Man Greens Original, just without the caffeine!
With 70+ Superfoods, Vitamins, and Extracts, Morning Man Decaf supports gut health and digestion, brain and neural function, immune system, hormone function, and liver function.
I feel like drinking this stuff every morning helps boost my immunity towards common illnesses.
I dig the stuff, but I do find myself having to skip a couple days because of shipping on the next bag.
Great product, great taste. It definitely gives you a boost to start the day in a healthy way. My only complaint is that sometimes the strip that seals the package doesn’t work well and you have to place the bag in a larger plastic zip lock bag to ensure it’s sealed and won’t clump. Other than that its good quality and everyone who tastes it is an instant fan.
The Greens seem to be fine as far as nutrition wise but they are waaay too sweet due to the monk fruit sweetener. Hopefully you guys will dial that back some maybe use stevia instead. Seems like a great product and I like the price better than ag1 but I'm debating going back to them just because of the flavor.
Affordable, good tasting and improved energy throughout the day
I drink mine on the way to work every morning. Tastes great, mixes well with ice water, and gives me the energy and focus I need to get the day started. Knowing that it is also super healthy as well is a win win for me!
Awesome, glad they have decaffeinated as I decided to cut that out by eliminating caffeine
1 Bag Morning Man DECAF Monthly
You wanna wake up each morning, grab a great tasting full on in your face greens that makes you feel like wrestling a bear while punching the elusive hide and seek champion Bigfoot in the face? Then get you sum! Unless your a girly man and it’s too much manly for you. Nothing like a three finger eye gouge with a round house kick to the sphincter every morning!
Say goodbye to balloon belly and unpredictable sharting. It’s smooth sailing now, boys.
We know you’re already a flat-out genius, now you’re just going to be more genius-er.
Enjoy your peaceful kid-free bathroom sessions, w/o painful pushing or bursting blood vessels.
Still want to run circles around your kids at 60? This is what your body demands.
Gram for gram, the undisputed single most nutritious food on the planet. So if you’re going to mainline Mother Nature, this is Scarface’s uncut, little green friend. Y'all mean...
Have the sh!ts, or lack there of? THIS will be your gut’s secret weapon against gas, bloating, and other gut complications. Believe me, you’ll thank us later.
Barley is a beast when it comes to curbing appetite. Say goodbye to sugary snacks and prepare yourself to stay fuller longer, and lose weight quicker.
Conquering your day doesn’t always require caffeine. Morning Man Decaf gives you the nutrition your body demands to function at its highest level… simply without caffeine.
This is perfect for those sluggish evenings, where caffeine is not appropriate late at night. It’s also ideal to share with the wife and kids so they can be great too.
Your work and home life demand a lot from you. Give your body the nutrition it needs to fire on all cylinders — morning, noon, and night. No excuses.
Like mainlining vegetables from mother nature herself... Your body doesn’t need caffeine to crush the day, it needs more healthy nutrients, prebiotics, probiotics, and enzymes which Morning Man Greens Decaf delivers.
Yeah, we said it. Green juices, green powders, and most things green are notorious for tasting like dirty underwear after a good mow. Not us.
From one man to another, we want to make sure you love your Morning Man Greens. So we're going to offer you a 365-Day MAN OF OUR WORD Guarantee.
Where in a world where a man's word is bond, we will give you your money back if you want it back. That's our guarantee for 365 days.
If you try it out, hate the taste, don't feel anything, don't like the bag, hate the marketing, or just realize that money is tight and you made a mistake, email us at and we got you.
If we don't honor this, then we're breaking our word (which ain't happening).
So rest assured that whatever reason you want a refund, we'll take good care of you. Just do us a favor, don't be a douche troll and buy a large quantity knowing that you're going to refund and take advantage of this guarantee. Karma is real and no one likes you.
Don’t let the outlandish marketing fool you, Morning Man is truly intended to help men live longer, healthier lives in order to be better at work, at home, and in their communities.
We live this, we advocate this, and (even if you don’t join us) we
expect you to adopt these principles to be better fathers, brothers, and sons for those you impact in your life.
You up for the challenge, sir?
…Guess. The exact same awesomeness without the caffeine.
Decaf is great on many occasions.
Just in case you want that sweet, sweet nectar in your nighttime sippy cup, junior. But seriously, we have lots of night shifters and people that love the taste but can’t get to it till after shift. This is so you can enjoy and sleep well.
You again? Go home, you’re drunk. It still has no caffeine. Thus, the word Decaf. From the Latin decaffeinated. Which translates loosely to no caffeine in here, Bob.
All the same results from the caffeinated version, just without the turbo button. Awesomeness, badassery, immunity, bonus lives, etc.
We still recommend the 12 to 16 ounces. Rinse out your PBR can, fill with water to measure, pour into your moonshine shaker mug with a scoop, and enjoy.
All the taste and awesomeness as the OG without the meth… er… caffeine. Peep the ingredients.
Check the testimonials and customers. Better flavor and ingredients, more beard and chest hair.
Why are we talking about feelings? You’re a man. But seriously, you know as well as we do, you get what you pay for in life. First off, it’s not cheap because we don’t use cheap ingredients. Then compared to the average of your daily *$ coffee, you’re a financially shrewd SOB.
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